Grievance Processes

Academic Grievance Process

A student wishing to register a complaint about course instruction or evaluation should first discuss the matter with the course instructor. If the matter is not resolved, the student may address the complaint to the head of the department or chairperson of the division.

If neither step resolves the complaint, the student may make a formal statement, in writing, to the Assistant Vice President of Student Affairs and Services for review and decision. At his/her discretion, the Assistant Vice President may refer the matter to the Associate Dean for Academic Programs and Partnerships for deliberation. The student may appeal the decision in writing to the Dean of the Institute.

Non-Academic Grievance Process

A student wishing to register a complaint about a non-academic matter prepares a written statement including a) the nature of the problem(s), (b) the name of the individual(s) involved, and c) the result of any previous effort made to resolve the matter informally. The written statement is sent to the Assistant Vice President of Student Affairs for review. The Assistant Vice President may request a written statement from all individuals involved in the matter and, if appropriate, convene a meeting of the Student Affairs Tribunal, Executive Staff, or other administrative or faculty body as appropriate. The student initiating the procedure is notified by the Assistant Vice President about the issue's resolution.

Students may seek guidance from appropriate administrative officers or faculty on how to resolve minor issues that may arise, but are not grievances.

After exhausting the grievance/complaint process above, current, former and prospective students may initiate a complaint with the Ohio Department of Higher Education on their website or by calling 614-728-3093.