CIM/CWRU Joint Music Program

Started in 1969, the Joint Music Program between CIM and CWRU represents one of the strongest and most successful academic alliances of its kind in the United States. Combining the resources of a top-tier conservatory with a major research university, this cooperative agreement allows students at both institutions to access a broad variety of coursework and educational opportunities at both institutions. At its simplest level, CIM and CWRU collaborate to provide an educational framework that allows CWRU students to receive instrumental applied instruction and coursework in music theory and eurythmics at CIM; while CWRU provides coursework in music history, musicology, music education and other music related subjects to students at CIM. In addition, CIM students have the option to fulfill their general education requirements by accessing the wider course catalog at CWRU.

The campuses of each institution are adjacent, allowing for easy access to classes and lessons and providing opportunities for regular exchanges of ideas and joint projects.  The program also provides:

  • a dual-degree option for CIM students;
  • the opportunity for CIM students to pursue an academic minor through CWRU;
  • a partnership between CIM’s Robinson Music Library and the Kulas Music Collection at CWRU's Kelvin Smith Library, with each collection complementing the other;
  • lecture-recital advising for DMA candidates.

The program is overseen by the Joint Music Program Committee. The committee meets at least once each semester, with faculty from each institution serving as committee members. The Joint Music Program Committee is co-chaired by the Vice President of Academic Affairs and Dean of the Institute at CIM and the Chair of the Music Department at CWRU. The Associate Dean of Academic Programs and Partnerships at CIM and the Associate Dean for Interdisciplinary Initiatives and International Affairs at CWRU are also members of the committee.