Conservatory Refund Policy

As of the first day of classes, but before the end of the semester, if a student takes a Leave of Absence or Withdraws from all courses for any reason, the following policy dictates how tuition, fees and any institutional financial aid is adjusted, if at all, on the student’s billing statement for that term.

Federal Student Aid has a separate policy regarding withdrawals from study, as is governed by Department of Education regulations. The CIM 2024-2025 Return to Title IV Policy is found here.

How Withdrawal Date is Determined

The official withdrawal date is determined by the CIM Registrar (

  • Official Withdrawal: The student begins the CIM withdrawal process, or the student otherwise provides official notification to CIM of intent to withdraw. CIM requests the student submit the Withdrawal Form or Leave of Absence Form, as applicable. These forms are available from the Registrar’s Office.

    The Withdrawal Date will be the date the student begins the withdrawal process, or the date that the student otherwise provides the notification (if both circumstances occur, the earlier is used as the withdrawal date). *

    The Date of CIM’s Determination the Student has Withdrawn is the student’s withdrawal date or the date of the notification, whichever is later.
  • Unofficial Withdrawal: If official notification is not provided by the student due to circumstances beyond the student’s control, OR all other instances where the student withdraws without providing official notification.

    The Withdrawal Date is the date that CIM determines is related to the circumstance beyond the student’s control. For all other instances, it is the midpoint of the payment period. *

    The Date of CIM’s Determination the Student has Withdrawn is date that CIM has become aware that the student has ceased attendance.

    If, at the end of a semester, a student has earned zero credits, CIM will attempt to verify if the student attended any class(s) or not. If no date of attendance may be documented, CIM must assume the student never attended.

    *In place of the Withdrawal Date determinations listed above, CIM may always use the student’s last date of attendance at an academically related activity if the school can document such activity.

    When a student completely withdraws from all enrolled courses during the Fall or Spring semester, the tuition* is refunded based upon a percentage of the semester’s total tuition. The amount is prorated per week per the schedule below. There is no refund of the tuition as of September 30 for Fall 2024 or February 17 for Spring 2025. CIM Scholarship, as applicable, also has the same percentage per week formula:
FALL 2024 SPRING 2025    
Withdrawal Date Withdrawal Date Tuition Fee*
 % Refunded
CIM Scholarship
% Canceled
AUG 26 - SEP 1 JAN 13 - JAN 19 100%** 100%
SEP 2 - SEP 8 JAN 20 - JAN 26 80% 80%
SEP 9 - SEP 15 JAN 27 - FEB 2 70% 70%
SEP 16 - SEP 22 FEB 3 - FEB 9 60% 60%
SEP 23 - SEP 29 FEB 10 - FEB 16 50% 50%
SEP 30 or later FEB 17 or later 0% 0%

*Fees applicable to the above refund policy include only these specific line items:

  • Full-Time or Part-Time Tuition
  • **if any private lessons were received, they will be billed on a per-case basis, regardless of date of withdrawal at the rate of $250 per lesson.
  • Double Major Surcharge
  • Dual Degree Surcharge
  • Secondary Study Surcharge
  • Over 18 Credit Hour Surcharge
  • CWRU Excess Credits Surcharge
  • Performance Service Fee

Fees that are non-refundable as of September 2, 2024 for fall, and January 20, 2025 for spring are:

  • Student Service Fee
  • Health Service Fee (CWRU)
  • CIM Wellness Fee
  • Health Insurance (waiver may be applied up to the published waiver deadline) • Any other miscellaneous charges or late fees

Summer Session Tuition 2025 is fully non-refundable as of first day of Summer Term, June 3, 2024. 

On Campus Housing at 1609 Hazel is non-refundable per the first day of the applicable semester.

  • Fall 2024: August 21 for new students and August 24 for returning students
  • Spring 2025: January 11

The CASE meal plan is prorated on a daily basis and is calculated according to the official withdrawal/leave of absence date, or the last day of activity on the meal plan, whichever is later. No refunds are offered after the 10th week of the semester. For students with CaseCash, the amount refunded includes the daily pro-rated amount of the meal plan plus all remaining CaseCash.

Orientation Fees are non-refundable as of the first day of scheduled orientation. Orientation begins August 21. As participation is mandatory for all students starting (or transferring into) a new program, this fee is non-refundable unless a written withdrawal or deferral petition (if applicable) is received at CIM prior to the first date of orientation. Understand that Graduate orientation is required for prior CIM students starting a new program as well as first time students.

If there are any adjustments to the semester term dates, the above schedule will be updated as applicable.

Tuition Insurance

Considering the potential billing and aid adjustments that may occur (both CIM and/or Federal, as applicable), we urge students to research and consider purchasing tuition insurance, which may be very useful in the case of unexpected mid-semester withdrawals or leaves of absence, per both this CIM refund Policy and the Return to Title IV Policy.

Revised July 2024