Student Affairs

Student Life

The Office of Student Affairs, along with Residence Life staff and the help of CIM faculty, staff and students (as well as colleagues at Case Western Reserve University), encourages students to learn and develop by offering a full range of programs, support services, and experiential opportunities.

We support student learning and facilitate students' development in career, cultural, emotional, intellectual, physical, psychological and social dimensions. We encourage students' personal growth through programs and services that extend beyond the classroom, studio and practice room. We challenge students to be engaged citizens, creating a campus environment respectful of differences while valuing the voices of others. Additional information and student resources can be found on the CIM Student Affairs page.

Student Health Program

The Cleveland Institute of Music provides resources to ensure the physical and mental well-being of its students. All full-time students are automatically enrolled in the Case Student Health Program, which includes care provided by the University Health Service and coverage under the Case Medical Plan. All students who have paid the Health Service Fee are eligible to make use of the services offered within the Health Service. For more information on different aspects of the Health Program, visit the UHS web site, the Case Western Student Affairs Office, or the CIM Student Health Program page. Visits are free to all registered CIM students. Those wishing to waive the student health insurance plan must have alternative qualifying coverage and fill out the Student Medical Plan Insurance Waiver Form. Visit Case’s website here to see if you are eligible.

Career Resources

Today's economy presents new challenges for budding musicians; society will constantly push for the freshest ability with the greatest ingenuity. It is important to know that you have many resources to help you prepare for life after graduation, and although the hard work is just beginning, your diligence now will surely pay off in the long-run. A variety of Career Resources are available on the CIM website.

Educational & Disability Support Services

CIM is committed to making reasonable accommodations for individuals with documented qualifying disabilities in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and Ohio law. CIM is committed to serving all students with disabilities both in and out of the classroom. Any student with a documented disability is eligible to request services through the Assistant Vice President of Student Affairs & Services. Each student has the responsibility to notify the AVP of their disability should they seek accommodations with CIM and complete all documentation to begin this process. Once approved, individualized accommodation plans are developed for each student. After receiving their individualized accommodation plan, each student is responsible for notifying their faculty member for each class in which they choose to utilize accommodations. For one-on-one attention to address your needs please contact the Assistant Vice President of Student Affairs & Services at 216.791.5170.


CIM tutoring requests should be made to the teacher of the class in which assistance is needed. Teachers will then fill out a tutoring request form, and a tutor will be assigned. Tutors will contact students within 24 hours. Tutoring is available in the following subjects: theory, sight-singing, ear training, and eurhythmics. Academic support is also available through the Division of Student Affairs at Case.

Residence Life

The department of Residence Life oversees the community of students at CIM who reside in 1609 Hazel. CIM typically guarantees on-campus housing for first- and second-year undergraduate students. The Residence Life team, which includes Resident Director and three Resident Assistants, works together to deliver a variety of programs to enhance community development and engagement in campus life. We acknowledge that our residential learning environment is one that is pertinent to the holistic learning experiences of our students, and we provide a safe, supportive environment, that offers opportunities for students to explore multiple facets of life. 1609 Hazel Policies and Procedures as well as general on-campus housing information (roommate preference, meal plans, etc.) can be found on our website.