Demonstration Policy

Issued by the Office of Student Affairs and Services and Office of People and Culture


Cleveland Institute of Music encourages artistic, cultural and intellectual engagement and debate through civil, mutually respectful interactions that preserve the openness and orderliness of public performance, dialogue and debate. An environment that encourages diverse views and the free exchange of art and ideas is vital to the Institute, in fulfillment of CIM’s Mission, Vision, and Institutional Learning Goals. Therefore, the Institute ensures that members of the Institute community (students, faculty, and staff) may assemble peacefully, perform and express their ideas freely, and demonstrate their concerns collectively by orderly means.   

All forms of protest, whether verbal, written, or musical, must not interfere with the normal operations of the Institute or any classes, lessons, rehearsals, presentations or concerts, and must adhere to all applicable Institute policies and local, state and federal laws. 


To provide a convenient and visible location for spontaneous, unregistered activism and civic engagement on campus, an area in front of the South end of the building (near the intersection of East Boulevard & Hazel Drive) is designated as a “Speakers’ Corner” for individual students, student groups, and members of the Institute community. Permissible activities at this location may include displaying signboards with written opinions, giving speeches, performing music, distributing handouts on a current issue, or hosting a memorial or vigil, etc. These activities at Speakers’ Corner do not require registration so long as they do not involve persons outside the Institute community, do not employ sound amplification, do not require setting up that alters or may damage the grounds or property, and do not cause a safety hazard, and occur between the hours of 8am - 8pm. Encampments (overnight stays) of any kind are prohibited. 

The Institute requires that demonstration activities and events that are in areas other than the Speakers’ Corner be registered to ensure safety of both participants and non-participants and the orderly functioning of the Institute, but the Institute does not seek to censor or marginalize any group or point of view. When expressing their views, members of the Institute community must be clear that they are expressing their personal viewpoints and that they do not represent the views or positions of the Institute. Demonstrators may not use the Institute’s logos or marketing materials, etc., may not use Institute funds or resources, and must assume responsibility for the consequences of their actions if there are any violations of this policy or applicable law 

The following additional guidelines apply to demonstrations by members of the Institute community: 

  • Student demonstrations planned in advance for locations other than the Speakers Corner must also be registered through the ASIMUT Registration process, in addition to being registered with the Office of Student Affairs and Services. The registration of demonstrations will be expedited, and response will normally be within one to two business days. Space for demonstrations organized by employees may also be reserved through ASIMUT and will get approval from the Office of People and Culture. 
  • Classrooms and Concert Halls are not sanctioned demonstration locations. Members of the Institute community may hold demonstrations in other spaces that can be reserved for events including, but not limited to, Thomas Commons, Pogue Lobby, North Wing Lobby. 
  • When requested, the Institute will establish protests and demonstration areas in response to campus speakers, programs, or political events, with such areas being established in reasonable proximity to the event. 
  • When protests or demonstrations occur in the context of a speaker on campus at any event, including a performance, audience members may not behave in a way that infringes upon others’ ability to view or to comprehend the speaker. During the speech itself, prolonged or continued chanting or possible incitement of a disturbance intended to distract the speaker or disrupt the speech can, at the discretion of law enforcement or designated Institute officials, result in individuals being removed from the event and face possible disciplinary sanctions. 
  • There shall be no retaliation from participants towards non-participants, or from non-participants towards participants. Individuals (students, faculty and staff) must be allowed to make their own decision about how or if they choose to participate in a demonstration without pressure or repercussions (outside of those outlined in this policy). 

Violation of Policy 

Students engaged in registered demonstrations shall not be subject to Student Conduct proceedings for their participation in demonstrations unless they do not adhere to this policy, violate other CIM policies, or engage in illegal activity. 

Anyone violating this policy will be asked to immediately cease their demonstration activities. CIM reserves the right to request identification of anyone violating this policy.  Those refusing to cease their activities and/or to provide identification to CIM officials will be required to leave campus immediately. 

Any student violating this policy, including by engaging in an unregistered demonstration or in demonstrations that go beyond the registered area or time, will be subject to Student Conduct proceedings.  Any staff or faculty member violating this policy will be subject to policies governing employees. 

Use of Institute space for a demonstration does not imply institutional endorsement of the viewpoints expressed.

For questions about these guidelines or organizing a demonstration, contact the Office of Student Affairs and or the office of People and Culture:

*Administration reserves the right to revise this policy at any time.