Student Building Access and Room Reservations

This policy outlines the guidelines for student access to CIM’s main building and the reservation of practice room in both the Main Building and 1609 Hazel. The goal is to ensure safe, organized, and equitable environment for all students using the facilities.

Building Access General Hours

Students may access the Main Building during the following hours:

  • Monday–Sunday: 7:00am–11:00pm
  • Notifications will be sent when hours have changed or if the building is closed.

Security and ID Requirements

  • All students must carry their student ID when entering the building and scan it at the security desk. Security may request to see your ID at any time.
  • Students are not allowed to use another student’s ID to access the building or give access to others to enter the building that do not have an ID.
  • If you forget your ID, security will allow you to sign in at the desk. However, after a second time, security will ask you to go get your ID and return.
  • If you lose your ID, you must obtain another one from CWRU. Security will not allow you to continue to enter the building without an ID on multiple occasions.

Practice Room Reservations Eligibility for Use

All currently enrolled CIM students have access to the practice rooms in the main building and 1609 Hazel.

Reservation Procedures

  • Students must reserve practices using the Asimut Reservation System. Security will not give access to a room without a reservation and may ask you to leave if your reservation time has ended or you are in a room without a reservation.
  • If you reserve a studio room, you must have your ID and the key must be returned to the security desk at the end of your reservation. If you pass the key along to the faculty member or another student, it must be checked out at the desk by that individual. If the key is not checked out by the person you pass it along to, you will be held responsible for returning the key and Security will keep your ID until the key has been returned or replaced.
  • Practice rooms may be reserved for three (3) hours at a time.

Room Etiquette

  • Students must leave rooms clean and tidy. Any damages must be reported immediately to maintenance
  • Eating and drinking (except water) are prohibited in practice rooms.
  • All students must behave respectfully in practices rooms and shared spaces.
  • Practice spaces are for rehearsing and practicing only. Students should exit the practice space with all belongings once their practice time is finished.
  • Disruptive behavior, vandalism, or misuse of facilities will result in disciplinary action. This includes room usage without reservation or permission.

Failure to comply with these policies may result in restricted access to the building or practices rooms. Repeat violations could lead to disciplinary action through the Office of Student Affairs.

Graduating Students

CIM understands that graduating students may be around the Cleveland area during the summer and may wish to have access to the facilities. Student will retain access to CIM facilities (practice rooms in Hazel and the main building) and continue to reserve space via Asimut until two weeks prior to the start of the new academic year. All badge access will be discontinued at that time.

Students who wish to use CIM facilities after that point must contact the Office of Artistic Administration and Operations via email at If approval is given, the Office of Artistic Administration and Operations will notify Security. Priority will always be given to currently enrolled students.