Academic Standing and Academic Progress


Students must maintain good academic standing make Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) toward completion of their programs of study. Study is available only on a full-time basis and students must maintain full-time status by continuously carrying a minimum of twelve or nine credits per semester (for undergraduate and graduate students, respectively). In unusual circumstances part-time enrollment may be permissible, but only in the final semester of degree study if residency requirements have been fulfilled. Scholarship funds are available only for full-time students.

There is formal monitoring of academic standing and satisfactory progress at fixed intervals: at mid-semester, at the close of each semester, and at the end of each student’s academic year (a two-semester cycle). Mid-semester Unsatisfactory Progress Reports, issued by the Registrar upon the advice of the faculty at the mid-point of each term, serve to officially alert students to unsatisfactory or failing status. The intent of the mid-semester report is to provide an early warning that allows time for the student to take appropriate corrective action. At the close of each semester, the student’s cumulative grade-point average (GPA) is reviewed. The following minimum standards guide GPA qualitative assessment and are necessary for the maintenance of good academic standing:

  • Undergraduate students must achieve and maintain a minimum cumulative academic GPA of 2.00 out of a possible 4.00. Academic GPA is calculated from all non-applied course work (i.e., courses without the MUAP, MUEN or MURP prefix). Achievement of a 2.00 minimum cumulative GPA (including applied courses) is prerequisite for conferral of an undergraduate degree or diploma.
  • Graduate students must achieve and maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75. Achievement of a 2.75 minimum cumulative GPA is prerequisite for conferral of a graduate degree or diploma.
  • DMA students must achieve and maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00 and maintain a minimum 3.00 GPA in the principal area of study, defined as the CIM major subject, for each semester of study. At the close of each DMA student’s school year (a two-semester cycle), a determination is made by the Dean of the Institute as to the student’s satisfactory progress towards the degree. Achievement of a 3.00 minimum cumulative GPA is prerequisite for conferral of the degree.
  • A student who fails any course is given one additional opportunity to pass that course. If the course is not passed on the second attempt, that student is placed on Academic Probation.
    • A student who fails MUTH 101i (Music Theory I Intensive) is placed on Academic Probation.
    • A student who fails MUTH 400 A/B is placed on Academic Warning.
    • If a student is unable to pass either of the above courses on the second attempt, a program change is required.

A student’s academic progress toward completion of a program of study is monitored continuously. To maintain satisfactory academic progress, undergraduates must earn the necessary minimum number of credits and appropriate advancement in all required areas. The following guidelines for advancement in undergraduate class standing assume maintenance of full-time status each semester.

  • Second-year Standing: Twenty-four credits earned, placement at the sophomore level in the principal area of study, completion with passing grades of two semesters of music theory, and satisfactory completion of two semesters of applied lessons.
  • Third-year Standing: Forty-eight credits earned, placement at the junior level in the principal area of study, and satisfactory completion of four semesters of applied lessons.
  • Fourth-year Standing: Seventy-two credits earned, placement at the senior level in the principal area of study, successful completion of both MUTH 202 and either MUTH 312 or MUTH 320, and satisfactory completion of six semesters of applied lessons.

Full-time course loads for individual students in excess of eighteen semester hours are subject to surcharge.

In determining credits earned, only completed credits are applicable; those associated with incomplete, withdrawal, audit, or unsatisfactory/failing grades are not considered for purposes of class standing.

Lack of satisfactory progress can result from failure to complete in a timely fashion the recommended sequence of curricular requirements as outlined in the catalog. Since the distribution of curricular requirements is flexible to some degree, at the end of each semester the Office of Financial Aid provides notice of failure to make Satisfactory Academic Progress, based upon a review of student records. The student’s advisor also monitors curricular progress. It is the student’s responsibility to meet with the advisor and discuss current standing during each of the pre-scheduling periods that occur while the student is enrolled.

Maintenance of appropriate artistic levels in the major field constitutes the final criterion by which satisfactory progress is measured (see Artistic Probation and Separation). Artistic progress is monitored by the major instructor in weekly lessons and by departmental committees during performance juries at the end of the first, second, and third years of undergraduate study.

Advanced Standing

Advanced Standing Credit by Examination is awarded upon successful completion of an appropriate CIM/CWRU examination. Students may petition for consideration of such credit through appropriate departmental or divisional channels.

Artistic Probation and Separation

A student is placed on Artistic Probation upon receipt of a grade lower than B- in the major subject. The student’s transcript will reflect the probationary status.

A student placed on Artistic Probation has one regular semester in which to restore the minimum standards for maintenance of good standing and satisfactory progress. Students placed on Artistic Probation who fail to regain good artistic standing are separated from CIM and transcripts of such students then reflect separation. A separated student may reapply for admission one year after the date of separation.

A student may be separated without a period of probation if, in the opinion of the major instructor, the department head, the division chair, and the Dean, the student’s progress has not been sufficient to warrant retention in the program.

CIM considers it part of its educational function to provide career guidance to those who may discover, after a sufficient period of study and evaluation, that they have limited potential for success in their desired fields. To this end, at the undergraduate level, the sophomore jury examination in the principal area of study serves as a determination point. At that time the appropriate faculty examination committee evaluates the student’s potential for career success (in keeping with the objectives of CIM and its various departments) and makes a recommendation regarding advancement to the junior and senior levels. If the faculty feels the student would benefit by discontinuing study in the CIM program, then that student, at any level, would be counseled accordingly. A recommendation subsequently would be forwarded to the Dean of the Institute for official transmittal to the student.