Academic Probation and Separation

The Dean has the authority to place on probation, or to remove from probation, at any time, a student whose academic standing and progress so warrants. Students are placed on Academic Probation when they are unable to maintain good standing and satisfactory progress in the academic aspects of their programs of study. Such students receive written notice from the Associate Dean before the beginning of the following school session and transcripts then reflect probationary status. A student placed on Academic Probation has one semester in which to restore the minimum standards for maintenance of good standing and satisfactory progress.

Students placed on Academic Probation who fail to regain good academic standing and satisfactory academic progress have one final semester in which to restore the minimum standards. Such students receive written notice from the Dean before the beginning of the following school session.

Students who have not achieved good academic standing after the second semester of Academic Probation are separated from CIM. Such students receive written notice from the Dean before the beginning of the following school session and transcripts then reflect separation. A separated student may reapply for admission one year after the date of separation.

A student may be separated without a period of probation for the following reasons:

  • A full-time student’s academic GPA for the semester is less than 1.00.
  • A full-time undergraduate student has earned a total of fewer than eighteen credits in the two consecutive semesters that constitute that student’s academic year.
  • A full-time graduate student (including DMA) has earned a total of fewer than fifteen credits in the two consecutive semesters that constitute that student’s academic year.