Study Abroad

CIM has exchange agreements with the following institutions abroad:

These programs are highly selective and can accommodate only a few students each year. Applicants are subject to faculty and Dean approval as well as the approval of the host institution. The exchanges usually take place in an undergraduate student’s third year and last for one semester. All exchanges are expected to be reciprocal, ideally with CIM and the overseas institution exchanging students within the same major (e.g., flute for flute, cello for cello, etc.).

Candidates must be in good academic standing and may need to meet language requirements in order to be considered for certain institutions. Students who undertake this program may have to delay their graduation date if they are unable to complete CIM requirements on time. The CIM Registrar will advise on the transferability of overseas credits as well as the possibility of graduation delay. All participating students continue to pay tuition to their home institutions and receive tuition waivers at the exchange institution.

Please see the Associate Dean of Academic Partnerships for more information about the possibility of participating in an exchange to study abroad.