Alcohol & Drug Policy

Drug Free Schools Act

The Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendment of 1989, Public Law 101-226, requires that, as a condition of receiving funds or any other form of financial assistance under any Federal program, an institution of higher education must certify that it has adopted and implemented a program to prevent the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol by faculty, staff, and students. Thus, the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, use, or sale of alcohol, illegal drugs, or misuse of controlled substances by CIM employees or students in the workplace, in classrooms, on CIM premises, at official CIM functions, on CIM business, in CIM vehicles or related to any CIM-sponsored activity is prohibited. In addition, employees and students shall not use alcohol or illegal substances or abuse legal substances in a manner that impairs work performance, scholarly activities, or student life. Conduct involving prescription drugs that have not been prescribed by a physician to the person using or in possession of them will be treated as a violation of this policy.

  • Marijuana. The legalization of marijuana under state law does not change the Institute’s policy or its obligations under federal law as a federal contractor and recipient of federal funds.  The manufacture, possession, use, distribution, sale, or purchase of marijuana is prohibited on CIM premises and constitutes a violation of this policy.  Working under the influence of marijuana is likewise prohibited and violates this policy.

Amnesty Policy – Alcohol and Drug Emergencies

Safety is always the top priority. As a member of the 1609 Hazel community, we expect you to show the highest levels of care, compassion, and concern for yourself and for others in times of medical emergency and/or crisis. To help encourage students to immediately seek medical attention when necessary for themselves or others, the Amnesty Policy is:

CIM will not impose recorded disciplinary action for a student’s policy violation of alcohol or drug consumption or possession against individual students or officially recognized student groups/organizations when – the student(s) report to or seek assistance from on-duty medical staff or law enforcement for a medical emergency or condition. Similarly, CIM will not impose recorded disciplinary action for a policy violation of alcohol or drug consumption or use against the student who is the subject of such a medical emergency or condition.

However, the following steps must be accurately used to implement the Amnesty Policy:

  1. Calling for help: In the moment of witnessing a medical emergency or personal crisis, you must take immediate action to call for emergency services.

    University Circle Police Department (Emergency)       (216)-791-1234

    CWRU Police Department (Emergency)                      (216)-791-3333

    CIM Security Desk (7am-11pm)                                   (216)-791-5000 ext. 0

    CIM RA On-Call (11pm-7am)                                        (216)-392-4434

    Other off-campus locations                                            9-1-1
  2. Stay: Remain with the individual(s) needing help until the on-duty emergency medical staff or law enforcement arrive.
  3. Cooperate: You must provide information and assistance as needed from the emergency responders or officials of the Institute that are reporting to the needs of the individual(s). You must meet with the appropriate Institute staff following the incident and agree to the timely completion of any educational alcohol or drug corrective measure that may be recommended as assigned by Institute staff during the student conduct process.

*It is important to note that the Amnesty Policy may not apply to repeated incidents or egregious medical emergencies. It also will not excuse students of other violations of applicable policies, including but not limited to Title IX violations, physical or emotional abuse, distribution of alcohol or drugs, hazing, theft, owning or use of weapons or other prohibited items, other serious violations of CIM’s Community Standards, etc.

If an individual(s) in need of medical assistance, and other members of the community fail to seek medical assistance for that individual, there may be serious and lasting consequences. Most significantly, the health of the individual(s) that are not provided medical attention may experience severe illness, harm, or death as a result. In such circumstances, a student’s failure to seek appropriate assistance, or efforts to disrupt attempts to seek appropriate medical assistance for someone reasonably known to need medical assistance may be met with severe disciplinary action from the Institute.

Policy & Procedures

Annually, each student will be provided with a written statement concerning:

  1. the applicable legal sanctions under local, state, and federal law regarding unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol,
  2. the health risks associated with use of illicit drugs and the abuse of alcohol,
  3. the available drug or alcohol counseling, treatment, and/or rehabilitation programs, and
  4. the disciplinary sanctions that will be imposed on students for the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol.
  5. Student employees found to be in violation of this policy, if the circumstances warrant, may be subject to corrective action, up to and including dismissal, under applicable CIM policies, or may be required, at the discretion of the institute, to obtain an assessment or evaluation to determine whether the student employee may have a substance or alcohol abuse issue, and/or may be reported to authorities for criminal prosecution or other appropriate action.
  1. 1609 Hazel Policy
    1. Residence life and housing policy, alcohol is not permitted inside student housing. Any possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages of any kind in plain view shall be considered a violation of this policy.  The concepts of "private space" or "private gatherings" in this policy do not condone underage or excessive drinking in private spaces. Rather, the policy arises from the reality that, while police officers enforce state laws, they may not have a need or legal reason to enter students' private living spaces unless a problem is apparent, or a large gathering requires investigation. However, privacy rights of students in their residential space will be respected, but any public nuisance coming from private space related to the consumption of alcohol shall be in violation. 
    2. CIM reserves the right to inspect living space(s) for alcohol, misuse of controlled substances, illegal drugs or paraphernalia relating to alcohol, misuse of controlled substances or illegal drugs and to question any student when it reasonably suspects (see definition section) that this policy or any procedure under this policy has been violated.
    3. Residence Life. In accordance will bring the full force of this policy and applicable state law into play. The concealment of illegal alcohol consumption from plain view does not preclude the enforcement of state laws or this policy.
    4. All traditional first year, second year, and other students under the age of 21 are prohibited from the possession and consumption of alcohol. All students are prohibited from the use and possession of illegal drugs. Students or student organizations found to be in violation of this Policy may be subject to corrective action, which may include alcohol and/or other drug education, mandated evaluation and treatment, community service, suspension, and dismissal. Individuals may also be reported to authorities for criminal prosecution or other appropriate action.
  2. Events / Common Source Alcohol
    1. Community/common source alcohol. Except as may be otherwise specifically authorized by this Policy, community alcohol, common sources of alcohol, and "tap" systems are prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, kegs, beer balls, punch bowls used to mix or serve alcohol, mixed drinks/cocktails, and/or beer/wine provided on behalf of a student organization to other persons at a social event. Drinking games and rapid consumption techniques that use the following devices (e.g., flip cup, beer pong, quarters, funnels, power hour, whoop juice, card games, shots, etc.), mixed drinks/cocktails, and beer/wine provided to other persons are strictly prohibited and violate this policy.[CA3] 
    2. Penalty for providing community or common source alcohol. The Institute has determined that students or student organizations that provide "community alcohol" or "common source alcohol," in any of its forms, constitute a clear and present danger to others and are strictly prohibited. A violation of this policy by an individual or organization, as adjudicated under the Code of Conduct, may result in the most severe sanctions or penalties, up to and including expulsion or dismissal of an individual and complete suspension or dismissal of a student organization. The sanctioning official shall determine the penalties in accordance with the Code of Conduct. Further, a violation of this Policy may also result in an interim suspension in accordance with the Code of Conduct.
  3. Violations & Disciplinary Actions
    1. All student or student organization violations of the Institute’s Alcohol and Drug Policy will be handled by Student Affairs and follow the adjudication, sanctioning and appeal processes for alcohol violations contained in the Code of Conduct.
    2. Sanctions are appealable as provided in the Code of Conduct. In order to appeal you must have new evidence or can prove that CIM didn’t follow its published policies during your hearing.
    3. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) has given colleges/universities the option to notify parents or guardians about specific types of information from a student's conduct record. Student Affairs may notify parents/guardians the first time and any subsequent time a student is found to have violated Code of Conduct policies on the use or possession of alcohol or other illegal substances if he/she/they is under the age of 21.


Violations by Invitees/Visitors. Any invitee or visitor who engages in prohibited conduct may be barred from further work for CIM, access to the institute, or from participating in other CIM-related activities as may be permitted by law. Further, such an entity may be reported to authorities for criminal prosecution or other appropriate action.

Additional Regulations

Any alcohol served and consumed on any CIM property must be done in a safe and responsible manner subject to the following additional regulations.

  1. Driving under the influence is strictly prohibited in any institute-owned, leased, or borrowed vehicle by students, employees, or visitors of The Cleveland Institute of Music.
  2. Alcoholic beverages shall not be provided under any circumstances to any person under the age of 21. Groups are considered in violation of this policy if they facilitate the consumption or acquisition of alcohol by anyone under the age of 21.
  3. No person under 21 years of age may misrepresent her/his/their age for the purpose of obtaining alcoholic beverages, nor may a person assist another in such a misrepresentation.
  4. Proof of age must include the presentation of a valid American driver's license or non-driver identification card, a valid passport, or a valid identification card issued by the United States Armed Forces. No person under 21 years of age shall provide false or written evidence of age for the purpose of attempting to consume or purchase alcoholic beverages.
  5. Actions or situations that involve forced consumption of liquor or drugs for the purpose of initiation into or affiliation with any organization are prohibited.
  6. Alcohol may not be brought in glass containers to on-campus Bring Your Own Beverage ("BYOB") events. BYOB events may include only beer, sparkling wine, wine and wine coolers. Hard liquor, as defined herein, is specifically prohibited under any circumstances. No individual may possess more than six cans at a BYOB event. Each can may not exceed 12 ounces.
  7. Alcoholic beverages may not be served (sale of drinks, admission charged, donations solicited, etc.) without the appropriate license or permit.
  8. Alcohol that is not specifically manufactured for human consumption may not be offered, served, or consumed in any form (e.g., diluted or undiluted, or as an ingredient in punches or other admixtures) under any circumstances.
  9. The theme of all events where alcohol is allowed must be primarily social, cultural, or educational, and not the availability of alcohol. Language stating that double proof of age is required for consumption of alcoholic beverages must appear in all promotional material. No other mention or depiction of alcohol is permitted.
  10. Ample quantities of food and appealing water and nonalcoholic beverages must be continuously provided and visibly displayed during the event.
  11. There may be no games of chance, drinking games, contests, or other activities that induce, encourage, or result in the consumption of alcohol.
  12. Kegs or other bulk containers of alcoholic beverages are not permitted. The possession, use, or storage of such containers is considered "community alcohol" and is strictly prohibited.
  13. Those who serve alcohol (with an appropriate license or permit) or those who consume alcohol at any CIM event must be at least 21 years of age.
  14. Application for approval of events where alcohol is to be consumed must be made by an appropriately authorized representative of the sponsoring student organization. This person must be at least 21 years of age.
  15. All events where alcohol is to be consumed require written approval by student organization advisors, or other recognizing body. The approving officer must meet with the organizer(s) of the event prior to approving same and discuss in detail the applicable provisions of this policy including proctoring, health issues related to alcohol consumption, availability of food and alternative nonalcoholic beverages, event management, and any requirements relative to the location of the event or the policies and procedures of the recognizing office. A signature of approval will constitute an assertion of compliance with this provision.
  16. Student organization events where alcohol will be consumed may not be publicized until the event is approved by the appropriately recognized advisor or sponsor of the organization.
  17. Officers of student organizations are responsible for the implementation and enforcement of these policies. Officers are also responsible for educating their membership, guests, alumni, and incoming officers about these policies. Violations will result in disciplinary action against the responsible individuals and the organization, up to and including loss of CIM recognition, suspension, and expulsion.
  18. Off-campus alcohol use while representing CIM. Students who violate federal, state, and local laws off campus may still be held accountable by Student Affairs in appropriate circumstances.


Alcohol means the intoxicating agent in beverage alcohol, ethyl alcohol, or other low molecular weight alcohols, including methyl or isopropyl alcohol.

BYOB or BYO is an initialism meant to stand for "bring your own bottle," "bring your own booze," "bring your own beer," or "bring your own beverage". BYOB is often placed on an invitation to indicate that the host will not be providing alcohol and that guests are welcome to bring their own.

Community Alcohol refers to a common source and "tap" systems. This includes, but is not limited to, kegs, beer balls, punch bowls used to mix or serve alcohol, mixed drinks/cocktails, and beer/wine provided to other persons.

Consumption of alcohol refers to the act of drinking or ingesting any amount of an alcoholic beverage.

Controlled substances (and "illegal drugs") refers to any drug or substance whose use or misuse is legally prohibited including, but not limited to, marijuana (THC), cocaine, opiates, phencyclidine (PCP), amphetamines (including methamphetamines) and any others contained or identified in Schedules I through V of the Controlled Substances Act, 21 United States Code section 812, as amended and by regulation at 21 Code of Federal Regulations section 1308.

Distribution of drugs refers to the sharing of illegal drugs/controlled substances with or giving them to others.

Employee(s) means faculty, staff, or student employees.

Facilitating the possession/use of alcohol or drugs refers to the act of allowing others to possess, consume, or use alcohol or illegal drugs/controlled substances in one's residence or automobile.

Hard Liquor/Alcohol includes any distilled beverage, spirit, liquor, hard liquor or hard alcohol which is produced by distillation of grains, fruit, or vegetables that have already gone through alcoholic fermentation. The term "hard liquor" applies to all alcohol and alcohol-containing beverages except beer, wine, champagne, and pre-made alcoholic drinks not made from distilled spirits; the alcohol content of beverages not considered hard liquor/alcohol must be below 20%; distilled spirits of any kind are considered hard liquor/alcohol.

Institute premises/Institute controlled property means any building, structure, vehicle, improved land, or unimproved land, in whole or part, which is owned, used, or occupied by CIM or for the use and benefit of the Institute.

Invitee(s)/Visitor(s) means any person authorized by CIM to engage in CIM-related activities on CIM premises or controlled property, including, but not limited to, independent contractors, consultants, volunteers, individuals employed by outside employment agencies, conference attendees, and persons taking or auditing educational programs.

Possession of alcohol or drugs refers, but is not limited to, holding, no matter the duration, alcohol or illegal drugs/misuse of controlled substances  in hand or, having them in one's clothing, purse/book bag (or similar case), automobile, or residence.

Reasonable Suspicion In cases in which the actions, appearance or conduct of an individual subject to this policy are indicative of the misuse or possession of alcohol or controlled substances, CIM shall require that person, as a condition of residency, to submit to a safety & wellness inspection.

Sale of drugs refers to the exchange of illegal drugs/misuse of controlled substances for money or other forms of compensation (sale).

Student(s) means anyone admitted to CIM and registered for, taking, or pursuing undergraduate, graduate, or professional studies or academic courses at the institute, both full-time and part-time, as well as persons attending classes on-campus, off-campus, or online.

Use of drugs refers to the act of ingesting, inhaling, drinking, eating, and/or any other method of introducing an illegal drug or misuse of controlled substance into one's body.

Workplace means any CIM premise or other location where an employee is engaged in CIM business. 

Safety tips when drinking alcohol

  • Eat before (and during) drinking
  • Don’t leave drinks unattended. Should you walk away from your drink, find the closest sink and pour the remaining drink down the drain.
  • Know your limit. If you start to physically feel different, don’t consume any more alcohol and drink sparkling water or plain water.
  • Pace yourself. Don’t drink too fast
  • Don’t drink and drive. Call a friend, CWRU Safe Ride, Uber or Lyft.