Principal and Secondary Study

Principal Performance Study

During the four-year undergraduate program, all performance majors must fulfill the following minimum requirements:

  • Principal performance study consists of 15 one-hour lessons each semester.
  • Third year: a solo Junior Recital comprising one-half of a full program.
  • A jury examination at the end of each of the first three years.
  • Fourth year: a full solo Senior Recital.

Secondary Performance Study

Secondary performance study not only serves to enhance musicianship but also can provide very practical training in areas essential to career maintenance. CIM provides secondary performance study to all students whose curricula deems it required. Undergraduate composition majors whose primary instrument is not piano are required to complete eight credit hours (four semesters) of secondary study on that primary instrument.

Keyboard skills proficiency is mandatory for all undergraduate students, except piano majors. Placement examinations are given during orientation or during the first week of classes each semester. Proficiency can be demonstrated at the time of the placement examination or later attained through regular study and satisfactory completion of a jury examination.

Placement beyond the beginning level can result in the awarding of advanced standing credit by examination. Such credit is applicable toward fulfillment of program requirements for the undergraduate student.

Master of Music candidates who did not graduate with a BM from a NASM accredited music program will also need to complete the keyboard skills placement exam. If required, students will need to complete the keyboard skills sequence, which is considered a deficiency and will not count as credits toward their degree.

Completion of keyboard skills level MUSP 104 is required of all undergraduate degree candidates. Completion of secondary piano level MUSP 204/504 is required of conducting, organ and harpsichord as well as composition majors whose primary instrument is piano.

Keyboard skills through level MUSP 104, which is accomplished in a one-hour, weekly class setting earning one credit per semester, focuses on the development of piano technique and musicianship, using appropriate graded solo repertoire and accompaniments related to the student’s principal field All other secondary performance study takes the form of a one-half hour, private, weekly lesson earning two credits per semester.

Transfer students must meet CIM requirements for keyboard skills proficiency. CIM placement examinations determine the level of advanced standing credit, if any.

Once keyboard skills proficiency has been attained, elective secondary study may also be taken for an additional fee. Students should consult this catalog and seek the advice of their principal teacher and the CIM Registrar to determine the availability, cost and appropriateness of additional secondary performance study.