English as a Second Language


ESL 100: Speech and Presenting Skills

Credits 2

This English for Academic Purposes (EAP) course is designed for CIM students who are non-native speakers of English to improve their oral communication skills for effective interaction in the American university academic setting. Students will work to develop confidence and increased comfort while developing fluency and overall comprehensibility. Students will learn the skills needed to deliver effective formal presentations. Time will also be spent in each lesson focusing on common pronunciation problems for intermediate to advanced learners of English. Activities will include various oral language assignments, in-class participation in pair and group discussions, and individual responses on TOEFL-/IELTS- appropriate practice prompts, frequently assigned speaking prompts, which will be audio recorded for self-, peer- and instructor evaluation, and frequent formal presentation opportunities.

ESL 101: English Language Development

Credits 5

This English for Academic Purposes (EAP) course is designed for CIM students who are non-native speakers of English to further develop English skills by incorporating more advanced academic vocabulary, reading, listening, and writing tasks, and contextualized grammatical structures. Students will also prepare for the American university experience by listening to academic lectures, engaging with authentic academic texts, participating and contributing to a discussion thread, reading, annotating, deep note-taking, and research activities. In addition, this course will also provide students with an abundance of authentic TOEFL and IELTS-type tasks and practice and test-taking strategies. By utilizing various multimedia technologies and blended learning, this course will cater to a range of learning styles.

ESL 102: ESL Bridge

Credits 1

This English for Academic Purposes course is an advanced-level bridge course between English as a language and college-level classes. This course aims to help English learners understand and prepare for the demands of the college-level writing experience. Students will work on crafting outlines, paragraphs, essays, and a short research project. Students will also practice editing strategies. During the lab period,  students will learn how to locate and evaluate resources for credibility and relevance.  Students enrolled in First Year Experience may enroll in this course concurrently for added support.

ESL 400: Speech and Presenting Skills

Credits 2

This English for Academic Purposes (EAP) course is designed for CIM students who are non-native speakers of English to improve their oral communication skills for effective interaction in the American university academic setting. Students will work to develop confidence and increased comfort while developing fluency and overall comprehensibility. Students will learn the skills needed to deliver effective formal presentations. Time will also be spent in each lesson focusing on common pronunciation problems for intermediate to advanced learners of English. Activities will include various oral language assignments, in-class participation in pair and group discussions, and individual responses on TOEFL-/IELTS- appropriate practice prompts, frequently assigned speaking prompts, which will be audio recorded for self-, peer- and instructor evaluation, and frequent formal presentation opportunities.

ESL 401: English Language Development

Credits 5

This English for Academic Purposes (EAP) course is designed for CIM students who are non-native speakers of English to further develop English skills by incorporating more advanced academic vocabulary, reading, listening, and writing tasks, and contextualized grammatical structures. Students will also prepare for the American university experience by listening to academic lectures, engaging with authentic academic texts, participating and contributing to a discussion thread, reading, annotating, deep note-taking, and research activities. In addition, this course will also provide students with an abundance of authentic TOEFL and IELTS-type tasks and practice and test-taking strategies. By utilizing various multimedia technologies and blended learning, this course will cater to a range of learning styles.