
Degrees and Certificates


MUCP 200: Composition Seminar

Credits 1
Weekly meeting of all composition majors for master classes with visiting composers and performers; presentation of special class composition projects; investigation of recent compositional trends.

MUCP 310: Orchestration I

Credits 2

Introduction to the problems and techniques of scoring for strings, woodwinds, brasses and percussion. Transcriptions and scoring for diverse combinations from chamber groups to full orchestra.

MUCP 311: Orchestration II

Credits 2

Introduction to the problems and techniques of scoring for strings, woodwinds, brasses and percussion. Transcriptions and scoring for diverse combinations from chamber groups to full orchestra.

MUCP 320: Electronic Music Production I

Credits 2

A practical study of computer assisted electronic music composition covering traditional concepts, analog and digital synthesis, MIDI, sequencing, sampling techniques and video soundtrack production.

MUCP 321: Electronic Music Production II

Credits 2

A practical study of computer assisted electronic music composition covering traditional concepts, analog and digital synthesis, MIDI, sequencing, sampling techniques and video soundtrack production.

MUCP 400: Composition Seminar

Credits 0

Weekly meeting of all composition majors for master classes with visiting composers and performers; presentation of special class composition projects; investigation of recent compositional trends.

MUCP 410: Orchestration I

Credits 2

Introduction to the problems and techniques of scoring for strings, woodwinds, brasses and percussion. Transcriptions and scoring for diverse combinations from chamber groups to full orchestra.

MUCP 411: Orchestration II

Credits 2

Introduction to the problems and techniques of scoring for strings, woodwinds, brasses and percussion. Transcriptions and scoring for diverse combinations from chamber groups to full orchestra.

MUCP 420: Electronic Music Production I

Credits 2

A practical study of computer assisted electronic music composition covering traditional concepts, analog and digital synthesis, MIDI, sequencing, sampling techniques and video soundtrack production.

MUCP 421: Electronic Music Production II

Credits 2

A practical study of computer assisted electronic music composition covering traditional concepts, analog and digital synthesis, MIDI, sequencing, sampling techniques and video soundtrack production.